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Bruce Konings

Bruce graduated in Physiotherapy at the University of SA in 1992, He worked in the public medical system in SA, NSW and QLD before starting a practice in Goolwa. Bruce is passionate about physiotherapy and believes strongly in patient education and empowerment. Most recently Bruce has completed additional studies in Vestibular Physiotherapy (dizziness), which has been a long-term special interest of his.

Bruce is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Mount Compass and also consults from his Goolwa Clinic. For bookings please phone South Coast Sports and Spinal 8555 5961.

Andy Chan

Andy completed a Bachelor of Podiatry in 2007 at the University of Western Sydney. After graduating he worked in approximately twenty aged-care facilities and worked as a locum in private and outpatient clinics. He then founded Fleurieu Podiatry and has three clinics in Port Elliot, Mount Compass and Balhannah. He has extensive experience in geriatric podiatry and a keen interest in biomechanics and orthotics. He enjoys gardening, looking after chickens and running after his three children. Andy works from Mount Compass Medical Centre every second Wednesday. Please phone the Medical Centre for an appointment.

Luke Higgins

Luke consults at Mount Compass (primary practice) and provides outreach optometry services at Meningie, Coonalpyn, Raukkan, Murray Bridge and Port Pirie. His professional interests are eye disease management, sports optometry, ocular therapeutics, low vision rehabilitation and rural and community eye care. In addition to his clinical practice and business ownership of Luke Higgins Optometry, he is part of the teaching team at Flinders University (School of Optometry), works with the Royal Society for the Blind and is a Board Member of Optometry South Australia. In his spare time, Luke enjoys Clay Target Shooting and has successfully represented Australia in the Australian team and South Australia with the State team. Camping and gem fossicking are other interests. Please phone the Medical Centre to make an appointment.
Wendy Finster

Wendy is a well-qualified and experienced psychologist in health and clinical psychology. She has a practice in Thebarton and visits Mount Compass Medical Centre every four weeks. She is often accompanied by her dog Bodhi, a chocolate Labrador therapy dog. Please ring 8556 8365 to make an appointment.

Fuel Your Life are Accredited Practicing Dietitians who currently consult at our Clinic on a Wednesday afternoon, every four weeks. They can assist you with weight management for diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, mental health, cardiovascular disease, malnutrition, hypertension and mindful eating.
Home visits are available on request. Please ring 8556 8365 to make an appointment.

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Mount Compass Medical Centre, Compass Central, 5/30 Victor Harbor Road, MOUNT COMPASS : for appointments please book online, or phone 8556 8365